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Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I'm Saelara your dedicated multidimensional guide and teacher, committed to guiding you toward a more harmonious and resonance filled life.


While I honour traditional coaching approaches, and have trained in them, my work transcends conventional methods. My style does not follow structured templates or surface-level empowerment talks. My approach is a fusion of channelled energetic transmission, soul recalibration, and multidimensional activation in a compassionate and empathetic style, and always with ease and humour.

I exist in constant, conscious connection with my Expanded Sister-Self, a term that replaces ‘higher self’ one that reflects a synergetic partnership rather than hierarchy. This awareness allows me to channel cosmic intelligence effortlessly, blending wisdom from the Atlantean and Lemurian frequencies within my role as a mature hybrid Starseed and guide.


This style of spiritual guidance will be common place in the near future, as more embrace the New Earth frequency and consciousness. This is by divine orchestration for everyone. All is included in this cosmic shift regardless of chronological age, ethnicity, stage of life or geographic location.


For over 30 years, I kept a vital part of talents and my true self hidden, not fully claiming or acknowledging the depth of my multidimensional awareness. Like many, I tried to squeeze and shaped myself to fit into societal and professional boxes that I never felt comfortable, in a world that couldn’t yet hold my frequency.

Through professional success, personal milestones, and life’s challenges as a solo mom, I searched for meaning in the outer world, all the while knowing there was more in me to express, Yet, I always felt a deeper calling, as though something extraordinary was waiting for me to remember.

And perhaps you feel this too?

Our soul’s blueprint will always call us back home to who we really are, as we embrace what New Earth Really Means and common myths to correct. 


Before embracing my full time spiritual mission, as Caroline S. Asante, I built a successful 20+-year career in communications and multi-media.


My professional journey spans global partnership development, philanthropy, climate change education, media, and technology and innovation for good. I’ve been in this life time over five decades and my photos are recently taken. first an award-winning BBC broadcaster and senior producer in London, As the first Black woman to anchor a nightly radio show for the BBC, I brought ground-breaking music and stories to life.


My professional journey spans global partnership development, philanthropy, climate change education, media, and technology and innovation for good. I’ve been in this life time over five decades and my photos are recently taken.

I hold a Master of Science in Sustainability from the Global Sustainability Institute at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, and I have qualifications and certifications in Meditation Teaching, Holistic Coaching, Crystal Healing and Human Design. I am passionate about merging these disciplines with my spiritual work to empower individuals and foster planetary well-being.

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As life unfolds embrace the new you that is emerging even when may feel isolating. chaotic, challenging or down right crazy. As you integrate more aspects of your New Earth frequency know that you are surrounded by endless universal love and support and I am here as and when you need as part of your guidance team - seen and unseen.


As with all manners of creation everything is a team collaboration. I am deeply honoured to be an integral part of a vast multidimensional family. In less than 5 years form now much of the language I on use here will be as normal as breathing.  A year ago in 2024, I had no idea my life would be filled with such profound love, support and unwavering wisdom and devotion.  And the humour is truly out of this world! Cosmic comedy everyday. I didn't have to transition from my human body to experience it and nor will you.


The Path of Saelara is not just one voice, it is a co-creation with a vast benevolent network of beings, my family as a mature starseed, who assist in guiding, activating and supporting my work and this journey. 

Our beloved team that I channel in my work, my books and as my soul's mission. These include:

The Atlantean High Council

- Keepers of ancient wisdom and advanced crystal technology. Atlantis was not only a physical space it was and still is a alive today as a vibrational frequency, more on this and its role in New Earth's integration within Gaia in my newsletters.

The Lumeria Council of Harmony 

- Guardians of divine balance, heart-centred wisdom and the sacred rhythms of cosmic and earthly flow. Assisting in restoring unity consciousness and deep energetic harmony from Old Earth to New Earth. 

The Divine Councils of Galactic Light

- Star beings presently assisting in Earth' shift  both climate, environment and human evolution.

The Pleiadian and Sirian Emissaries 

- Masters of frequency, sound and DNA upgrades and activation. Assisting in planetary ascension, lightbody integration and the remembrance of starseeds of their origins. 

The Pearl Family

- A luminous collective of high-frequency beings connected to Gaia's oceans, waters and fluidity. They assist in anchoring the New Earth frequencies, weaving light codes into human form, and guiding souls toward their highest evolution during this time. 


- A powerful presence in guiding multidimensional expansion. 


​- A guiding presence of Atlantean and galactic wisdom assisting in multidimensional expansion and crystal technology  co-creation. 


- My highest expanded self of most divine love.


Myth #1: “Only certain people are Starseeds.”

Truth: Every soul incarnated on Earth at this time carries Starseed lineage, regardless of background, ethnicity, or birthplace. Awakening is not reserved for a select few; it is encoded within all beings. Some may feel the call earlier due to their unique blueprint, but no one is excluded from this cosmic shift.

Myth #2: “Chronological age defines spiritual wisdom.”

Truth: Age is an illusion. Some souls incarnated with activations already in place, awakening rapidly. Others may take longer to remember, but that does not mean they are ‘less evolved.’ Awakening is not a race, it is a divinely orchestrated unfolding.

Myth #3: “New Earth is a place we are moving to.”

Truth: New Earth is not a separate location - it is a frequency shift that exists now. It is interwoven with the old paradigm (Old Earth as we can call it), like two radio stations playing at the same time.


Which frequency do you tune into this determines your experience of reality. Love and Unity or Fear and Separation?

Myth #4: “We are going backward as a society.”

Truth: It may seem that way because old systems rooted in fear, domination, and exploitation are thrashing back as they collapse. This is part of the transition. Fear based ideology fights hardest when it is losing its grip. Stay in alignment, and you will see how the new energies are rising despite appearances.

Myth #5: “If I haven’t fully awakened yet, I must not be ready.”

Truth: You are already awakening, in the exact divine timing your soul chose. There is nothing to ‘catch up’ on, only deeper layers of remembrance to unfold. Trust your path.


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Ready to bask and find your frequency activators? 


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